Stored Case Studies

Geomatics digital buddy system

Submitted by: Laura Hanson (;
Civil Engineering and Geoscience,


What did you do?

Use of Facebook to create Students Buddy system to enhance communication of students between stages.

Who is involved?

Laura Hanson and Henny Mills, School of Civil Engineering & Geo-sciences.

How do you do it?

We have set up two Facebook groups for Geomatics, one for everybody including alumni and one of all current students to enhance their communication with each other. Once a student has accepted a place for Geomatics they are invited to join the Facebook page prior to their arrival at Newcastle. The Facebook group is visited by students of all three UG stages and acts as support for all students to support their life in Newcastle and during the degree course.

Why do you do it?

Instead of a formal buddy system which has not been accepted by the students, students however accept social media, such as Facebook.

Does it work?

Students certainly monitor it and like the accessibility.

Your title

Geomatics digital buddy system

Coherent Curriculum themes

Student Engagement, Student Induction

Students\' Stage

Undergraduate (all Stages)

Academic unit

Civil Engineering and Geoscience

Learning technologies


Type of interaction


Main trigger for your practice


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