Stored Case Studies

German ‘Stammtisch’ socials

Submitted by: Franziska Schulz (
Modern Languages, German


What did you do?

German 'Stammtisch' (social)

Who is involved?

The 'Stammtisch' is organised by Franziska Schulz, DAAD-Lektorin, School of Modern Languages, German Section.

How do you do it?

Once a month there is a social come together for students of German, German ERASMUS students, staff from the German Section and everybody who is interested in speaking German outside seminars and lectures.

Why do you do it?

First of all this is an event where students can practice their German and speak in informal surroundings to other students and native speakers. It also gives students the opportunity to chat informally to staff members from the German section, to get to know each other, give and receive feedback and build up a sense of community.

Does it work?

Staff and students reported over the last 2 years that they enjoyed these informal gatherings and that it helped building up a sense of community.

Your title

German ‘Stammtisch’ socials

Coherent Curriculum themes

Student Engagement

Students\' Stage


Academic unit

Modern Languages

Learning technologies


Type of interaction


Main trigger for your practice


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