Stored Case Studies

Newsletters in NUBS

Submitted by: Laura Watson (
Newcastle University Business School,


What did you do?

NUBS has a newsletter for students, available in print and online formats.

Who is involved?

Laura Watson is NUBS's new Student Experience Marketing Officer. She prepares the newsletter and distributes it to students.

How do you do it?

The newsletter began as a more student-friendly version of NUBS's review magazine Some articles are largely the same in both publications, whereas others are rewritten to appeal more to students. The newsletter includes information on upcoming awards to apply for, careers events, and NUBS's Board of Students. Other articles have included profiles of past students and information on NUBS social events in and around Newcastle, and tourist information about Northumberland: this links to social events requested by NUBS students and organised by NUBS.

Why do you do it?

Focus groups with NUBS students found students said they did not feel engaged with the School. The newsletter, and revisions of its content, are attempts to change this.

Does it work?

The emailed link to the online version of the newsletter has a 40% open rate, which is good compared to similar emails. Feedback through focus groups has been positive and influenced further improvements to the newsletter.

Your title

Newsletters in NUBS

Coherent Curriculum themes

Student Engagement

Students\' Stage


Academic unit

Newcastle University Business School

Learning technologies


Type of interaction


Main trigger for your practice

In response to issues

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