Stored Case Studies

A Turning Point for Student Feedback

Submitted by: Sara Marsham (
Marine Science and Technology,


What did you do?

Turning Point was used to gather feedback from students about different teaching modules.

Who is involved?

Sara Marsham, Stage 1 Marine Biology students Ben Wigham, Stage 2 Marine Biology students Matt Bentley, Stage 3 Marine Biology students

How do you do it?

Questions from the normal paper evaluation form were put into PowerPoint and adapted for each module, for example addition of questions relating to practical work for MST1015 and MST2012 and questions relating to project supervision for MST3019/3095/3096/3099. Students were invited to give oral feedback after each question based on their responses, which were noted down. Students were also invited to write any feedback and hand to Module Leader or e-mail Module Leader after the session. Output from each question was collated into a document with a formal response from the teaching team provided. All feedback put up on Blackboard and in the Module Boxes.

Why do you do it?

Reasons e.g. in response to a problem, as an innovation, to make a policy work.

Does it work?

Q1 and Q2 showed that the majority of Stage 1 and Stage 2 students rated the use of TurningPoint highly, but the Stage 3 students did not. Similarly, when asked which they preferred both the Stage 1 and 2 students preferred the interactive method, but the Stage 3 students preferred the paper form. This may be because they were more familiar with the paper form after completing almost three years of their degree.

Your title

A Turning Point for Student Feedback

Coherent Curriculum themes

Assessment and Feedback

Students\' Stage

Undergraduate (Stage 1)

Academic unit

Marine Science and Technology

Learning technologies

TurningPoint student handsets

Type of interaction

Up to 50 students in a group

Main trigger for your practice

In response to issues

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