Stored Case Studies

Approaches to recruiting postgraduate students

Submitted by: Mark Papworth (
Psychology, Psychology


What did you do?

Developed approaches to recruiting postgraduate students

Who is involved?

Mark Papworth (Course Director, PGCert Low Intensity Psychological Therapies) targeting undergraduate students at local Universities on Social Science courses

How do you do it?

Have created a course where students can be self-funded as well as funded. Every year I contact Career departments of local Universities and feed into their professional practice modules by giving a presentation to undergraduate students about the Low intensity PGCert

Why do you do it?

Funding options are limited and in order to guarantee enough students to run the course, self-funding is necessary. By embedding my presentation within the professional practice elements of undergraduate degrees, appropriate students are targeted and informed.

Does it work?

We have successfully recruited students via this method

Your title

Approaches to recruiting postgraduate students

Coherent Curriculum themes

Student Engagement

Students\' Stage


Academic unit


Learning technologies


Type of interaction

Over 200 students in a group

Main trigger for your practice

Other (please specify below)

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