Stored Case Studies

Using Blackboard, powerpoint and videos to prepare students for practical classes prior to doing laboratory work

Submitted by: Peter Simmons (


What did you do?

Provide work for students to do so they are prepared for practical classes before coming to the laboratory.

Who is involved?

Peter Simmons, Reader in Neurobiology & Behaviour About 180 stage 2 students, including degrees in: Biology; Zoology; Joint Honours Biology-Psychology.

How do you do it?

On Blackboard, students read illustrated instructions, animations and watch videos to prepare them for a practical class. The exercises are designed both to help students understand concepts they have been taught during lectures in the module, and to explain the equipment and procedures students will follow during the class in the laboratory. I do this for two different practical classes: one about the function and structure of neurons, which includes recording action potentials from sensory neurons in insect legs; and the other is about muscles, which includes students stimulating a muscle in an insect’s leg while recording force. The information is presented to students in a PowerPoint file rather than as a document, because when viewed as a slideshow a PowerPoint file offers the opportunity for interaction – for example, by students being asked a question, given the opportunity to respond , and then given the answer. Part of the preparation for each involves viewing a video that was made by undergraduates: At the start of each laboratory session, students are set a short, assessed written test about relevant material from lectures and about what they should have learned in preparation for the laboratory session. During the test, they are allowed to discuss answers with their colleagues, but not to consult notes, books or electronic media.

Why do you do it?

I wanted students to really understand and think about their practical work before they actually do it. Talking to students in a large teaching laboratory is not a good way to instruct them; it is hard to retain their attention in that setting, and I have found it to be ineffective. The short assessed test does help to ensure that students really do the preparatory work.

Does it work?

Students are generally well prepared for the practical classes when they have done the preparatory work, and module feedback mentions this. I have found in other modules that short tests in which students are able to talk to each other are effective learning devices, and students really do discuss possible answers during these sessions. My original idea for Animal Physiology practical Classes was to make interactive, computer-game-like software so students could go through each exercise in a virtual environment. The Flash animations I wrote go some way towards that, but further development with software experts would be a really good idea.

Your title

Using Blackboard, powerpoint and videos to prepare students for practical classes prior to doing laboratory work

Coherent Curriculum themes

Assessment and Feedback, Student Engagement, Technology Enhanced Learning

Students\' Stage

Undergraduate (Stage 2)

Academic unit


Learning technologies


Type of interaction

Up to 200 students in a group

Main trigger for your practice

Other (please specify below)

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