Stored Case Studies

Embedding 360 degree feedback into a research methods assignment based on industry situations

Submitted by: Sharron Kuznesof (
Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Food marketing


What did you do?

Embedded 360 degree feedback into a research methods assignment based on industry situations

Who is involved?

Sharron Kuznesof, Lecturer, School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development; Karl Christensen, Industry Development Manager, School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development; Beth Clark, School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development;

How do you do it?

The module is focused on developing students practical research method skills and is based on real life examples of investigating new food development options. The students complete the Belbin personality test to establish what type of teamworker they are. This is used to assign them to groups. Each group has to use secondary sources to find a gap in the market, and then produce a gap analysis for their given product category. Each student rates their own contribution to the task, and that of each of the students in their group. Each group uses primary data collection methods to gather quantitative and qualitative data, They keep a log book to record minutes of meetings, action points etc as evidence of who did what. Each group gives a presentation to the other groups and lecturers. Students are marked by fellow students and lecturers. The final task requires each student to reflect on the assignment and their involvement in it. The final mark given to each student for the group work (55% contribution to final module mark) is weighted according to their peer review.

Why do you do it?

Research method skills are essential for any work in the food development industry, and the tasks set are relevant to the industry. The Belbin test gives a reason to allocate students to groups in order to avoid conflict. The module acts as good practice for job interviews etc as employers require similar tasks of applicants. Both individual and group work is assessed, as both are necessary within this field of work. Peer assessment is used as it is best practice. The logbook is kept to act as evidence of attendance and contribution to the project in case of disagreement over student’s marks.

Does it work?

Anecdotal reports from students indicate that the assignment really helps them learn. Students were disappointed to hear that this module is going to be stopped next year. However, the assessment protocol is being incorporated into a replacement module.

Your title

Embedding 360 degree feedback into a research methods assignment based on industry situations

Coherent Curriculum themes

Assessment and Feedback, Skills and Employability, Student Engagement

Students\' Stage

Undergraduate (Stage 2)

Academic unit

Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

Learning technologies


Type of interaction

Up to 100 students in a group

Main trigger for your practice

Other (please specify below)

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