The lecture system in teaching science

I feel that the basic lecture system used to teach science is not the best way to communicate and teach biology. Lectures are a passive way of learning, emphasizing memorization rather than active learning and comprehension. This encourages students to think that lecture attendance and exam cramming are the key to success. This module uses the “Gutenberg” teaching method; students watch lectures and read directed material prior to attending the “lecture” slot. This allows students to drive the learning, by enabling them to ask questions and seek clarification in areas that require more lecturer input.

The basic philosophy behind this method is covered in this article:

An article to be published on the University’s QuILT website, that describes my reasons for using this method is found here:

Please read the articles, I think it will significantly aid not only yourself, but the whole class, if you are aware of the philosophy behind the method; the greater the participation, the greater the understanding.