Peptide BLAST Results
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By now you should have the BLAST results back and open in another window.
The search parameter that was changed by the system was the Expect value. By default, this value is set to 10, and it reflects the number of hits that will come back by chance. The system changed the value to 1000 (or more), so this means we may get back lots of hits by chance, it does also mean we have a good chance of matching our short sequence.
You know how to:
  1. look at the different results sections
  2. examine the graph
  3. look at the sequence table
  4. look at, and interpret the alignment
If you don't know how to do the above, then use the Index link (also shown in the page header) to review the earlier material.
So I am just going to give you a quiz to complete based on your results:
1) What is the accession number of your top hit?
One answer only.
2) How many amino acids in the peptide?
One answer only.
3) How many exact matches do you have to the peptide?
One answer only.
4) What is length of the sequence retrieved from the database for the top hit?
One answer only.
5) What is the protein?
One answer only.
   Alcohol dehydrogenase 7
   Protein Kinase C
6) Does the OMIM database report the protein as being involved in a disease?
One answer only.
   Don't know
   Don't care
   What is OMIM?
So far you have:
  1. carried out a peptide BLAST search
  2. looked at the returned results
  3. examined the sequence alignments
  4. completed the quiz
We will now look at how to carry out a BLAST search with primers...