Informatics Practical Summary
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By now you have:
  1. run PubMed searches and found numerous papers
  2. learnt how to refine your PubMed searches
  3. found out how to search for a paper from references given in a lecture
  4. learnt how to download a full paper
  5. discovered how to find information in a paper
  6. used OMIM to find diseases and conditions linked to specific mutations in a protein
  7. found a paper for a given DOI (and found a DOI for a specific paper
  8. searched the sequence database for a given sequence
  9. run a BLAST search for a protein sequence
  10. run a BLAST search for a DNA sequence
  11. learnt how to interpret the BLAST results
  12. found scientific papers associated with that sequence
  13. searched the sequence databases using short sequences (DNA and peptide)
  14. cross-back and forward between BLAST search results, PubMed and OMIM
  15. learned how to read a sequence database entry
  16. carried out Prosite, Interpro, Pfam and SMART searches to find functional motifs in a protein
  17. learnt about plagiarism and completed a plagiarism tutorial
  18. explored the School Wiki and learnt how to edit and create wiki pages
Next is the assessment.
The assessment!
Please note the following important points:
  1. You have one week from your training sessiion to complete the assessment. The deadline is 5 pm - Please note: Different rules apply for students at NUMed
  2. To submit your work and get your full marks you need to click 'Save and Submit' before the end of the one-week assessment period - Please note: Different rules apply for students at NUMed.
  3. If you fail to click 'Save and Submit' your mark will be 0%.
  4. If you get less that 40%, you will fail the assignment and will have to resit it if you get less than 40% on the module overall
You can answer the questions as many times as you want until you click the submit button, after which the assessment is 'locked'.
Don't forget, as you are doing the assessment, and during the rest of your degree, you can refer back to this training site (use the Index link at the top of the page) for help at any time.
Assessment: This can be found on Blackboard in CMB2000 (Newcastle, UK) or BMN2000 (Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia (NUMed)).