Developed professional practice through MSc dissertations: professional portfolio and article
Geoff Parkin, Degree Programme Director, MSc Hydrogeology and Water Management runs the dissertation module with involvement from all water group staff as supervisors
The dissertation module has 3 components: technical report, professional portfolio and article. Students are given training on the general concept of doing the dissertation; they review previous examples and their progress is then managed by their individual supervisors. In the professional portfolio students have to reflect on how the dissertation and MSc has enabled them to develop the professional competencies that employers are seeking. Students also write a general interest article that is similar to a professional journal article. This is intended to develop students’ skills to concisely summarise technical work for a general audience.
Professional bodies seek employees who can demonstrate professional competencies. The professional portfolio as part of the Dissertation module allows students to reflect on the MSc and use this experience to develop professional competencies. The article is intended to develop students’ skills to concisely summarise technical work for a general audience, in a similar format to a professional body's journal.
We have received very good feedback from professional bodies, e.g. cited as exemplary practice in an accreditation review. There is clear anecdotal evidence from students of the impact of the module, e.g. during subsequent job interviews.
Developing professional practice through MSc dissertations: professional portfolio and article
Assessment and Feedback, Skills and Employability
Postgraduate taught
Civil Engineering and Geoscience
Up to 25 students in a group