In addition to University-wide systems of course reps and student-staff committees, SELLL has a student forum.
The student forum is organised by Stacy Gillis as senior tutor, and also attended by other members of staff.
Students are told when and where the forum will be held. They can use it to raise issues with the senior tutor and other members of SELLS staff, and that when appropriate these issues will be fed to their SSC. Tea and cake is provided.
As with other recent initiatives in SELLS, this is a means of addressing whether students feel they belong to their School: SELLS has scored highly in specific teaching sections of the NSS, but less so in the overall satisfaction section. The forum is a space for students to raise issues and is in addition to bringing issues to their course rep; issues raised at the forum have ranged from specific requests to general complaints. In this way the student forum works as a mechanism to make sure more issues reach the SSC, making the SSC more effective.
c.40 students attended the last student forum, many of whom brought specific points to raise. When appropriate, issues were passed to the SSC for discussion, or students were directed to appropriate sources of support. Since beginning this and other initiatives SELLL's NSS scores for overall satisfaction have been higher than in previous years.
Student Forum in SELLL
Student Engagement, Student Representation
Undergraduate (all Stages)
English Literature, Language and Linguistics