Stored Case Studies

Institute of Health and Society PGR Quarterly Newsletter

Submitted by: Heather Brown (


What did you do?

Produced a quarterly newsletter for PGR Institute of Health and Society students

Who is involved?

Heather Brown, students contributing

How do you do it?

Gather content material e.g. student achievements, opportunities, training information, photos, and produce a newsletter which gets circulated to all PGR students and is archived online

Why do you do it?

The newsletter provides recognition for student achievements, creates a level of cohesion between students based in 4 different buildings, encourages engagement

Does it work?

Yes, students have reported finding it useful

Your title

Institute of Health and Society PGR Quarterly Newsletter

Coherent Curriculum themes

Student Engagement, Student Induction

Students\' Stage


Academic unit


Learning technologies


Type of interaction

Up to 100 students in a group

Main trigger for your practice

Other (please specify below)

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