Messages for Combined Honours students are collated into a weekly email bulletin.
Laura Thomson in the Combined Honours Centre prepares and sends the email bulletin to all Combined Honours students, based on information sent to her.
Instead of sending lots of small emails, Laura sends one email each Monday that includes an average of ten messages.
Combined Honours students study in multiple subject areas and do not always receive all student information from each subject area: a Combined Honours student doing a module in Subject Area X might not otherwise receive all the information sent to another student on a straight Subject Area X degree programme. Having a weekly email bulletin 'trains' students to expect news in that bulletin. By extension, Combined Honours emails received in addition to this one become more noteworthy as they address separate, possibly more weighty, issues.
Feedback from Course Reps says that most students "at least glance at" the email bulletin. This compares favourably with other Course Rep comments that students get "too many emails about toilets and building work".
Combined Honours email bulletin
e-learning/Technology-Enhanced Learning, student engagement
Combined Honours