Stored Case Studies

Academic and Professional Skills Feedback

Submitted by: Joann Luke ( )
Faculty of Medical Sciences (not a School), MBBS


What did you do?

Providing detailed and structured feedback to students after an OSCE examination.

Who is involved?

The feedback involves admin staff, Clinical lead, Sub Dean - Assessment, colleagues from MSED

How do you do it?

In the examination students have to complete 10 stations (or tasks) and have to reach a certain overall score and pass a certain number of stations. Previous feedback was limited to a score for each station and whether they had reached the threshold to pass that station. There were concerns that the score for each station was built up of a number of skill domains (such as history taking, examination, and diagnostic/clinical reasoning skills) and the overall score did not provide any information about these aspects, this meant it was possible for a student to have poor communication skills, yet pass the examination. Practice was changed to assign the component marks from each station to the relevant skill domains - this means the student can be given meaningful information about their performance in each of these areas. Currently this has to be done manually which does create pressure on admin resource. In addition a new student facing screencast was created which set out how the feedback format worked, how domains and stations worked together and how to make the most effective use of the feedback for student development. Student focus groups were used to inform the process and the impact it had.

Why do you do it?

Previously feedback had only been given to those who did not pass, there was also a wish to make the connections to the broader professional skills being assessed as well as the individual stations.

Does it work?

Student feedback has been largely positive. It is hoped to be able to extend the practice to other similar examinations.

Your title

Academic and Professional Skills Feedback

Coherent Curriculum themes

Assessment and Feedback, Skills and Employability

Students\' Stage

Undergraduate (Stage 3)

Academic unit

Faculty of Medical Sciences (not a School)

Learning technologies


Type of interaction

Over 200 students in a group

Main trigger for your practice

In response to issues

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