Management Consultancy Project instead of a Dissertation for UG Business Students

Submitted by: Sarah Carnegie (
Newcastle University Business School,


What did you do?

Students work with local businesses as part of their degree work.

Who is involved?

N200 and NN52 students, and every year between five to seven external organisations.

How do you do it?

As Module Leader I am responsible for organising and coordinating Management Consultancy Project for Business Management (N200) and Management and Marketing (NN52) undergraduate students in their final year. The module is delivered in semester 1 and 2, and the students undertake a project which runs between October and March. The project can be chosen instead of a dissertation and involves students working in groups of 7-8 people for external organisations, with a focus on regional businesses.I start identifying appropriate organisations which would be willing to take part and collaborate about six months before the start of the projects. This is normally done through networking, personal contacts and CIPD links. Usually most of the companies are identified and contacted proactively, but sometimes a company may approach us. We then discuss the research scope, as it has to be sensible and realistic for the students to carry out. After the companies and their research aims are confirmed, the students engage in speed networking with companies’ representatives and are able to choose two which they would prefer to work with and one they would wish not to work with. The companies also take notes on which students they would prefer to work with and based on these factors, and others such as team type, gender and nationality, the project groups are formed. The student group is then responsible for developing an explicit research plan and all ongoing communication and interaction with the companies; including arranging primary research activities.

Why do you do it?

It is a great opportunity for students to learn through working and applying their skills in practice. It is a good experience and a way to enhance employability for graduates. Several students have been offered a job at the company they did the research for at the end of the project. Newcastle University Business School is also getting more recognition among the regional companies for the quality of our students’ work.

Does it work?

We have been receiving great module and projects feedback from both students and organisations. Feedback from the organisations is that the research quality is valued very highly and many have commented that the work of the student groups is comparable or better than professional agencies.

Your title

Management Consultancy Project instead of a Dissertation for UG Business Students

Coherent Curriculum themes

Skills and Employability, Student Engagement

Students\' Stage

Undergraduate (Stage 3)

Academic unit

Newcastle University Business School

Learning technologies


Type of interaction

Up to 10 students in a group

Main trigger for your practice

To try something new

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