The Combined Honours Centre conducts surveys of students at each Stage.
Colin Bryson (Director of the Combined Honours Centre) and Grace Cooper (Student Experience Officer) design and conduct the survey, and analyse the responses.
Colin and Grace ask each Combined Honours student to complete a questionnaire. Each of the three stages are surveyed, with the dates of the surveys staggered throughout the year to make the process more manageable. The questionnaires include questions on how students communicate with their tutors, and how tutors send information to their students.
The surveys are a way for the Combined Honours Centre to find out what is or is not working for their students. This method of communication - and others - is particularly important for Combined Honours as these students are rarely together as a group. Subject-specific links form between students, but the Combined Honours centre uses this and a number of other methods to foster students' feeling of belonging in the Combined Honours centre.
The surveys have a high response rate, often including students' comments that they like having the survey as a communication tool. The survey data identifies issues that shape developments in the Combined Honours centre, for example that most students said they like receiving emails but would not like a Twitter feed.
Surveys in Combined Honours
Student Engagement
Undergraduate (all Stages)
Combined Honours Centre
Individual students