Trialed Health & Safety testing for all new students in Induction Week of 2014-15.
School Blackboard expert, H&S committee, DPDs, academic secretaries, and all new undergraduate and MSc students.
Live H&S presentations, followed closely by online testing via Blackboard, with results immediately available. Slides and Recap recordings were made available for latecomers and failed tests, followed by retesting. Presentations and tests included generic School content plus discipline-specific content for some groups of students.
To ensure that all students have understood the H&S information, particularly before they are allowed into laboratories.
The availability of slides and Recap recordings allowed ‘learning by rote’ for retests, so we were not confident that all students fully understood the H&S information. Carrying out the testing, and particularly for latecomers and retests, was a huge administrative burden, and had a number of logistical problems that would be hard to overcome. The testing has therefore been dropped. The School-wide and discipline-specific Health & Safety induction presentations that were reviewed and updated as part of the trial, will continue to be delivered, and the slides and Recap recordings will continue to be made available on Blackboard.
Health and Safety Testing
Skills and Employability, Student Induction
Civil Engineering and Geoscience
Up to 100 students in a group
Other (please specify below)