To apply for our internships programme, you need to follow these steps:
Step 1: On the left of this page, you will find a range of vacancies which Geode advertised to third-year students as part of our Graduate Recruitment Programme last year. Review all of the job descriptions and pick one. Choose carefully as, if successful with your application, this will be the department of Geode’s business in which your internship will eventually be based. You will also spend at least part of your internship shadowing the person currently undertaking this role.
Step 2: Write a covering letter of no more than 500 words outlining (a) why you want to work for Geode; (b) why you are interested in applying for your chosen position; and (c) how your skills and experience to date have prepared you to undertake this job effectively. To be successful with an application to our Graduate Recruitment Programme, you would need to meet most, if not all, of the skills / criteria listed on the job description for your chosen vacancy. However, as interns are not usually third-year undergraduate students, to be successful with your application to our internships programme we do not expect you to meet all of the skills / criteria listed for your chosen vacancy. Instead, in your letter you need to adopt a critically reflective approach, evidencing those skills / criteria you do meet and also outlining how over the next 12 months you plan to develop those skills / criteria that are currently your weaknesses. Depending upon the weaknesses you identify, you could outline how you plan to develop these skills / criteria within your degree programme, in a non-academic context, or in a mixture of both.
Step 3: Download our internship application from this page (below in Word format) and complete it to the best of your ability. You must answer all of the questions.
Step 4: Develop a CV of no more than two A4 pages, appropriately formatted with your full name at the top.
Step 5: Adapt your cover letter into a short (maximum 5 minutes) pre-recorded presentation using PowerPoint or other visual materials. The presentation should address the same three issues as the cover letter, but you can also include points from the CV or competency questions. The presentation should not be just the cover letter read aloud, however. You should make use of the visual format and appropriately balance good visual materials with the narrated content.
Step 6: Submit a single Word document including all required materials (cover letter, application form and CV) in the application form through Turnitin in Word format before the closing date. Submit the pre-recorded presentation as a separate document in a separate Turnitin submission box.
Application form download