Equal Opportunities Policy

Geode recognises the benefits of having a diverse community of staff, who value one another and the different contributions they can make to our business. Geode is therefore committed to being an equal opportunities employer, providing equality of opportunity for all staff, applicants, interns and visitors. We aim to provide equality of opportunity regardless of gender, ethnicity, colour, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation or marital status. In the provision of equal opportunities, Geode recognises and accepts its responsibilities under the law and seeks to create an open and supportive environment which is free from discrimination, and which encourages all staff to participate fully in Geode’s activities.

The development and monitoring of Geode’s Equal Opportunities Policy is the responsibility of the Director of Human Resources. The Director of Human Resources is supported by the Equal Opportunities Officer, who is responsible for developing and co-ordinating initiatives that will enhance diversity and equality of opportunity within Geode.

Staff are encouraged to assist in promoting equal opportunities by bringing discriminatory practices to the attention of the Director of Human Resources (via their line manager, if appropriate). In turn, the Director of Human Resources and those staff in management and leadership roles will, through their responsibilities, be proactive in promoting diversity and equal opportunities, and in tackling discrimination.

The Director of Human Resources will ensure that:

  • All staff are aware of the Equal Opportunities Policy.
  • The implementation of equal opportunities is adequately monitored.
  • Staff are provided with appropriate fora to discuss and deal with equal opportunities issues.
  • Clear and publicly accessible procedures are in place for the fair selection of staff, free from discrimination.
  • The Director of Human Resources is responsible for ensuring that staff adhere to the Equal Opportunities Policy.

All staff will:

  • Support and implement the Equal Opportunities Policy, and
  • Ensure that their behaviour and/or actions do not amount to discrimination or harassment in any way.

The following legislation applies to all:

  • Sex Discrimination Act 1975 as amended 2003
  • The Race Relations Act 1976 as amended 2000
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1995 as amended 2001, 2003
  • Prevention from Harassment Act 1997
  • Human Rights Act 1998
  • Race Relations Amendment Regulations, 2003

The Race Relations Act outlines four main forms of unlawful discrimination: direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, victimisation and harassment. The following definitions are taken from the Race Relations Act. These classifications also apply under the Sex Discrimination Act and the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation and Religion and Belief) Regulations.

Direct discrimination– this occurs when a person is treated less favourably on racial grounds than another person is, or would be, treated in the same or similar circumstances. Direct discrimination is automatically unlawful, whatever the reason for it, and no justification can be put forward to excuse the difference in treatment.

Indirect discrimination– consists of applying in any circumstances covered by the Act, a requirement or condition which, although applied equally to persons of all racial groups, is such that a considerably smaller proportion of a particular racial group can comply with it and it cannot be shown to be justifiable on other than racial grounds, for example, a rule about clothing or uniforms which disproportionately disadvantages a racial group and cannot be justified.

Victimisation– this occurs when a person is treated less favourably than another is, or would be, treated because they have brought, or are suspected of having brought, legal proceedings under the Act, or because they have given evidence or information on behalf of someone else’s complaint, or because they have complained of discrimination.

Harassment– this occurs when a person harasses another on grounds of race, or ethnic or national origin when his or her behaviour is unwanted, and when it has the purpose or effect of violating the other person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading or offensive environment for them.

Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended 2001) discrimination against disabled people can take place in either of three ways:

  • When a responsible body treats a disabled person less favourably, for a reason relating to the person’s disability, than it treats (or would treat) a person to whom that reason does not, or would not, apply and that treatment cannot be justified.
  • By failing to take reasonable steps to ensure that disabled people are not placed at a “substantial disadvantage” compared to other people, without justification. This is known as the reasonable adjustments duty.
  • Victimisation is a special form of discrimination covered by the Act. It applies whether or not the person victimised is a disabled person, as defined above under the Race Relations Act.
Staff are required to comply with this policy and with the relevant legal requirements, and are expected to promote a culture free of discrimination, prejudice and all forms of harassment and bullying. Any incidents of discrimination, harassment or bullying will be investigated and may be grounds for disciplinary action.