NGCA: Northern Gallery of Contemporary Art

Student Placement Profiles

Student Name:


Programme of Study:

Art Museum and Gallery Studies (MA) 2016-2017 Academic Year

Career/ Sector Interests:

I enjoy working with art, I would love to curate exhibitions however I also enjoy the practical aspects of working with art such as the hanging and condition checking.

Placement Venue:

Northern Gallery of Contemporary Art (NGCA) within the National Glass Centre (NGC)

Placement Duration (30 or 12 days):

30 Days June - July 2017

What type of activities did you undertake whilst you were on placement?

I worked in a number of different areas of the galleries, including: assisting the Technical officer construct a temporary wall, condition checking artworks from the collection, and writing the pagination for their upcoming publication.

What were you placement highlights?

One of the activities which stood out most to me was when I was introduced to the exhibiting artist Chad McCail, and worked alongside him to restore parts of his 100ft artwork ‘Liars of Earth’ which had been damaged by age and storage.