Northern Print

Student Placement Profiles

Student Name:


Programme of Study:

Art Museum and Gallery Studies (MA) 2016- 2017 Academic Year

Career/ Sector Interests:

Working in the cultural sector with an interest in art museums and galleries.

Placement Venue:

Northern Print

Placement Duration (30 or 12 days):

30 days June - July 2017

What type of activities did you undertake whilst you were on placement?

While on placement my main duties were to catalogue the Birgit Skiold collection that Northern Print has acquired. It is an important collection about a printmaker who did a lot for printmaking in the United Kingdom, she ran the Print Workshop in London, working alongside some now very well-known artists. Birgit Skiold was responsible for the 1st International British Print Biennale, inspiring Northern Print to carry on the tradition in 2009. It was my responsibility to find out exactly what Birgit Skiold works Northern Print had and once that had been determined I was then responsible for storing it safely after digitizing all the works. This means that they will be able to locate the prints quicker, and Northern Print can start to loan them out, and create an online learning tools so that members of the public can find out more about Birgit Skiold.

What were you placement highlights?

I have thoroughly enjoyed my placement; the staff were very supportive and have made me feel very welcome. The members of the studio have also been really interested in the work I have been doing over the last 2 months. The highlight would have to be when someone who knew Birgit Skiold came in to Northern Print and ended up sharing some memories of her with me. The collection after that became more about Birgit the person and not just Birgit Skiold the printmaker.