The final section
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The final section
By now you have:
  1. Completed a series of BLAST searches.
  2. Completed a search of Prosite (ppsearch), Interpro, Pfam, and SMART sites.
  3. Found an entry for a protein in the OMIM database.
  4. Found the DOI for a paper.
  5. Found a paper for a given DOI.
  6. Revisited the wiki.
  7. Taken a short tutorial on plagiarism.
In this section of the practical we are going to:
  1. Revisit the PubMed system
  2. Expand upon your previous experience of SMART and Prosite searches.
  3. Identify a protein, retrieve information on the protein structure, secondary modifications, and function, using a peptide sequence.
In PubMed we will:
  1. Start with a key term (or terms) to find book articles/papers/protein/ DNA sequences associated with the terms using Entrez
  2. Take a short, incomplete reference (the sort of reference flashed up on a screen in a lecture) find the paper/protein/DNA sequences associated with the paper using PubMed
Starting with a protein sequence, we will:
  1. Use BLAST searches to identify the protein
  2. Identify functional sites in the protein using SMART
  3. Identify functional domains in the protein with Prosite
  4. Identify functional sites in the protein using Interpro
  5. Identify functional sites in the protein using Pfam
You should then be ready to tackle the assessment.