Protein Analysis - Pfam
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In the previous section, we used Prosite, Interpro, and SMART to discover the presence of some potential functional sites in the protein. We are now going to use Pfam to carry out some further analysis.
Pfam will examine a protein sequence for the occurrence of a range of signalling domains and a wide range of other protein domains. Besides performing searches with a protein sequence, you can also look up the domain information for proteins by either using the accession number or a keyword search.
  1. Close all other windows except this one.
(Note: This is a different sequence to the one we used for SMART, Interpro, and Prosite.)
  1. Copy the above sequence
  2. Go to the Pfam site:
Click on 'Sequence Search'
  1. Click on 'Sequence Search'
  2. Paste in the sequence.
Click on 'Go'
  1. Click on the 'Go' button.