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We will now look for, and examine, the OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) entry (or entries) for the protein.
Finding the OMIM entry
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  1. In the Related Information list click on the 'OMIM (cited)' link.
  2. On the OMIM page that opens you should see two entries - '604475' and '125265' - normally you would look at both, but for this exercise, we will examine '604475'.
  3. Click on the '604475' link.
OMIM Entry for 604475 RETICULON 4; RTN4 - search run Tuesday October 10, 2017 at 7:54:42 pm
Just as with the protein and nucleotide sequences it is possible to learn a lot about a protein or gene from the OMIM entry.
In fact, the OMIM entry acts as a review of the latest findings and information about a sequence.
Using the OMIM entry see if you can answer the following questions.
1) The protein RTN4 is also called:
One answer only.
2) What is the cytogenetic location?
One answer only.
3) Increased expression of the protein has been found in patients with:
One answer only.
   Alzhenier's Disease
   Parkinsons' Disease
   Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
   Type I diabetes
   Type II diabetes
   Type III diabetes