Refresher Summary
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By now you:
  1. have revisited how to run PubMed searches and find numerous papers
  2. have found out how to search for the paper for a given reference
  3. should know how to download a full paper
  4. will know how to find information on a paper
  5. have found a paper for a given DOI (and found a DOI for a specific paper
  6. have covered searched the sequence database for a given sequence
  7. have run a BLAST search for a protein sequence
  8. know how to interpret the BLAST results
  9. carried out Prosite, Interpro, Pfam and SMART searches to find functional motifs in a protein
We will now start to look at:
  1. GEO DataSets - Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) repository
  2. GEO2R - A tool for comparing GEO datasets
  3. DAVID Bioinformatics Resources - Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID)
  4. Ensembl Biomart
Before embarking on the assessment.