Protein BLAST - links to more data
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From the protein BLAST results, it is possible to 'hop' to other information in the system such as who first sequenced the protein, and whether or not it is involved in any diseases or conditions.
Finding the paper
We will now find the paper associated with the top hit in your BLAST search.
  1. Go back to the table of protein hits at the top of the page.
Your top hit should be:
Top hit in the protein BLAST search - Sunday October 14, 2018 at 12:12:34 pm
  1. Click on the accession number, i.e. AAB38424.1 of the top hit. If your top hit is not AAB38424.1, then either scroll down to find it, or click on this link
Protein database entry for the top blast hit
By looking just at the protein database entry you should be able to answer the following questions:
1) What is the protein?
One answer only.
   Alcohol dehydrogenase 7
   Protein Kinase C
2) What is the accession number of the top scoring protein in the NIH (NCBI) BLAST search?
One answer only.
3) When was the protein AAB38424 first cloned?
One answer only.
4) What was the species and tissue type used for cloning?
One answer only.
   human limb
   human brain
   human foreskin
   mouse limb
   mouse brain
   mouse foreskin
   mouse adipocyte
   rat limb
   rat brain
   rat foreskin
   rat adipocyte
   none of the above
From the protein database entry, it is easy to go to the scientific paper.
  1. In the protein database entry click on the link next to the word PUBMED (it should say 8824810 and be in blue).
You should now have the abstract open in PubMed
The PubMed entry associated with the protein database entry
From the PubMed entry you should now be able to 'hop' to the other databases to answer the following questions:
Hint: Use the 'Releated Information' menu
1) What volume of Genomics did the paper appear?
One answer only.
2) Does the OMIM database report the protein as being involved in a disease?
One answer only.
   Don't know
   Don't care
   What is OMIM?
3) The unique identifier for the OMIM entry is
One answer only.
4) What is the cytogenetic location of the gene?
One answer only.
So far you have:
  1. carried out a protein BLAST search
  2. identified the year the protein was sequenced
  3. identified the source of the material used for cloning
  4. identified the paper that reported the sequencing
  5. established that the protein is not involved in a disease
We will now look at DNA searches....