Reading the GEO Entry
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in the last section, we looked at how to search the GEO dataset for gene expression data associated pancreatic islets from humans with type II diabetes.
From the 'advanced search', we produced a list of possible datasets. We will now look at those datasets in a bit more detail.
GEO Database Entry
We are now about to fall down the rabbit hole...
We will now look at one of the GEO database entries. For this, we will use, what should be (hopefully), the second entry in your returned list of results (the reasons for looking at this entry is because we will be using the data in some later analysis). If you have closed the advanced search window, the entry can be found here - GDS3882.
  1. Take some time to explore the links associated with the returned result. Of particular interest will be the PubMed link, and the link that takes you to related datasets.
Take some time to look at the links - Monday November 12, 2018 at 5:26:10 pm
Notice how the data is interconnected across numerous databases.
  1. Click on the 'Type 2 diabetic pancreatic islets of Langerhans' (i.e. the title) link to view the database entry.
  2. Take some time to check the information.
The full database record - Monday November 12, 2018 at 5:28:28 pm
Using the information for the database entry, please take the following quiz:
1) In which orgamism was the work carried out?
One answer only.
2) What is the correct reference for the work?
One answer only.
   J Biol Chem 2011 Feb 11;286(6):4216-25.
   GPL96: [HG-U133A] Affymetrix Human Genome U133A Array
3) What is the DataSet Record identifier associated with these data?
One answer only.
   J Biol Chem 2011 Feb 11;286(6):4216-25.
   GPL96: [HG-U133A] Affymetrix Human Genome U133A Array
4) What is the correct reference series for the work?
One answer only.
   J Biol Chem 2011 Feb 11;286(6):4216-25.
   GPL96: [HG-U133A] Affymetrix Human Genome U133A Array
Further Information
It is possible to find out some further information about the dataset. This can be found out by either looking at the paper associated with the entry or by looking at the GEO Accession Display.
  1. Click on the GSE25724 link.
Click on the GSE25724
If you have successfully clicked on the GSE25724 link you should now be looking at a screen like this:
The GEO Accession entry - Monday November 12, 2018 at 5:33:48 pm
Using the information for the accession entry, please take the following quiz:
1) What was the source of the pancreatic islets?
One answer only.
   Human livers
   Mouse kidneys
   Human pancreas
   Sheep lungs
   Goat retinas
   Human kidneys
   Hamster spleen
2) How were the samples prepared?
One answer only.
   Thinly sliced
   Forced through a sieve
   Trypsin digestion
   Collagenase digestion
   Heating to boing point
   Running over with a car
3) Samples were collected from?
One answer only.
   only type 2 diabetic human islets
   only healthy human islets
   only type 2 diabetic human liver cells
   healthy and type 2 diabetic human liver cells
   healthy human liver cells
   healthy and type 2 diabetic human islets
In this section, we have looked at how to explore the entry for a dataset in the GEO system. Specifically, we have looked at how to:
  1. check that the dataset is appropriate for further analysis to tackle the question
  2. find papers associated with the dataset
  3. identify related datasets
  4. find the correct full reference to the paper describing the work
  5. find the correct identifier for the dataset in GEO
  6. locate the unique reference series identifier for the data, i.e. GSE25724
In the next section we are going to start doing some analysis of the dataset associated with GDS3882, and for this, you will need the reference series identifier for the data - GSE25724.