Introduction to the training and assessment
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The training
We will start with an introduction to 'Microsoft Teams' as we may wish to use some of the features as we work through the training.
We will then revisit some of the earlier bioinformatics training material:
  1. Pubmed
  2. BLAST
  3. InterPro
  4. SMART
  5. pFam
  6. Prosite
  7. OMIM
All the above you have met before, and so you should be able to progress rapidly through the material. (And yes, you will have seen some of the pages before. They are the same ones as were used in your earlier bioinformatics training.)
After we have reviewed the above, we will then move on to some new tools:
  1. GEO DataSets - Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) repository
  2. GEO2R - A tool for comparing GEO datasets
  3. DAVID Bioinformatics Resources - Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID)
  4. Ensembl Biomart
  5. String
There will also be some training in using R. But please note, that section is OPTIONAL.
The assessment
In the assessment, you will be given details of an experiment which analysed protein expression in healthy and type 2 diabetic patients. You will be given a series of protein IDs, and you will use these to explore their relationship to the disease, with the aim of forming a hypothesis to be tested in the lab.
Your work will be presented as a mini-experimental report (please see the assessment bundle for more details). You will be able to complete the assessment using the tools introduced on this site, and the tools you have previously used in your second year training.